Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oral supplements to reduce facial oil?

I wash my face twice a day but could not keep oil from my face and have to wipe it 2-3 times throughout the day in between washes. What are the oral supplements that I may take to reduce facial oil?

Any particular brand that is recommended?Oral supplements to reduce facial oil?
Don't take oral supplements. Most don't work and have serious side effects.

If you want to reduce facial oil, try this:

Get any kind of face wash that has 2% (or higher) salycic acid (ex. neutrogena's acne fading peel) and a moisturizer (no oil in them) for your skin.

Salycic acid completely gets rid of the oil, making your face feel tight. The moisturizer give your face the right amount of moisture since your face can't be too tight or too oily.Oral supplements to reduce facial oil?
I wouldn't take any oral supplements to control excess oil. Your hormones are definitely out of balance. I'd recommend a few things:

1) Go on a juice fast for a minimum of 7 days. Don't freak out yet! You'll be getting all of your nutrients and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetable juices. You can drink as much fresh juice as you want throughout the day, but steer clear from caffeine. Of course drink plenty of water too. That will detox your body and give your body the chance to renew, heal and restore itself without having to spend all of its energy on digesting food. Your facial appearance will look SO MUCH BETTER, MORE RADIANT, LESS OILY and best of all, you'll feel great!

2) Contrary to what we've been told, washing our faces with harsh facial products is 100% bad for you! It'll just make your face produce more oil. I'm going to put a link down for you about the Oil Cleansing Method. You'll freak out at first because who would've thought that in order to get rid of your oily face, you have to apply oil to it?! Well, I've tried it and it works wonders. Dr. Hauschka has a good normalizing facial oil! It rocks! They're a bit pricey though, but you can also use virgin coconut oil and it's cheaper.

3) Stay away from foods that raise insulin levels, i.e. processed foods, breads (unless it's sprouted bread), etc. Avoid dairy too!
  • natural instinct
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