Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Does it hurt to get a facial piercings?

Above Lip? Nose? On Your Side Bottom Lip?Does it hurt to get a facial piercings?
I've had over 30... most of them, no. It doesn't. Not really. Of the 14 times I have had my lip pierced, only one time hurt, and that's because the guy was a moron.

The ears, no. Cartilage CAN hurt, but only if you do it with a gun(big no no), or take to long.

Get them done by someone who knows what their doing, and does them fast. Should be a piece of cake.Does it hurt to get a facial piercings?
yes it does hurt and i depends where you get it
I had my eyebrow pierced (twice). The piercing didn't hurt, it was the pinching of the skin when trying to get the needle through that bothered me.
it depends on where your getting it. Your nose has cartlidge, where as your lips are just flesh.

It really depends... But its not an unbearable pain for any of them.
I pierced my bottom lip on the left side, and it didn't hurt at all. Just put some ice on it before and after you pierce it, and you should be fine. If you are doing it professionally, it shouldn't be a problem. If not, make sure to use a sterile needle and have a ring to put in right after you pierce it.
The only one on my face that I've had is my labret, and it was over with so quick that it was numb before I could notice the pain...then I went and took pain killers. So it really wasn't that bad.
its not supposed too but the feeling about having a needle stuck into you it does kind of if you know what i mean.
I had my belly button ring and nose ring done. The nose ring seemed like nothing compared to the belly one, even with freezing! Nose doesnt hurt at all, just a pinch.
Iv Hurd It Hurts A Little But Not A Lot

That Its Just Quik N painfull But After The One Second Of Pain Your Fine !

Alot Of My Younger Friends Around 13 Have Had There Taung Lip Or Nose Done So If They Can Do It And Go Back To Get Another Im Sure It Must be Fine ! (=
i heard it did. but i never got piercings on my face
All piercings hurt, just not equally. Beleive it or not, my most painful piercing was my nose. I have my tongue, monroe and nose done. Note, the monroe did hurt but my nose piercing brought tears to my eyes and i'm not a cryer. Good thing about it is, once the pains over, its over.
I only have a nose piercing, it did hurt a little when I got it pierced, but it was so short lived, and didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would.
Yep... and it's stupid too!
I guess it depends on if you're piercing cartilage or muscle tissue. It also depends on your individual tolerance for pain. You might think getting an ear pierced is a breeze, but someone else might say it hurt them a lot...

It hurts less to get cartilage pierced because there are fewer nerves in the cartilage tissue. i.e. top of ear, nose... etc.







very much,try ice.
i had my ';labre'; pierced *underneith my bottom lip* and yes it did hurt when i got it, wasnt as bad as some pain, but afterwords it was sore for a bit. not something i recommend, i took it out 4 years ago and you can still see the hole under my lip buts its closed on the inside.
lol it hurts to get any piercings! i think
hell yeah!!
my sister did a menroe periceing by her self and she said it didnt hurt, shes 15. a menroe pericing is near the lip and nose, she said it only hurt alittle but not to cry ovver.
of course but if you really want it don't worry and do it
it hurts about the same as ear piercings. I have a monroe, (just above the lip) and it was a lot like getting the cartilege pierced on your ear. It's a sharp pain that's over really quick, then it's just tender for a while
I think they look like s@%26amp;$%26amp;.............................!
itdepends on your pain tolerance my mom peirced my nose at home with just an earring and her hands and it didnt hurt i perced my toung it didnt hurt it all depends on how you are with pain good luck
in my lip, the clamps hurt worse than the needle did.

in my nostril, it was just a pinch and my eye watered some.

in my septum, it felt like someone punched me in the nose and my watered alot. when they put the ring through it felt like someone was trying to rip my nose off my face.
it all depends on you, how much pain can YOU take for yourself? if you're already a pansy on small pain, getting a piercing probably is not for you, also if it hurt a lot, why get it at all? won't you look stupid and dis allow you from getting a job you want?
I have my eyebrow and my nose pierced and neither of them hurt, but nose piercings tend to make your eyes tear a little bit... But no, piercing really don't hurt. Both my eyebrow and nose were quick and painless
nose didnt really hurt made me feel ill afterwards but that may have been cause i hadnt eaten, your supposed to eat before hand. they froze my lip so much i could hardly move my mouth then it didnt hurt at all!! and i HATE HATE HATE needles!!
My nose hurt for a milisecond, putting the jewelry in hurt more than the needle itself. I'm thankful I had a good piercer because I've had friends get nosebleeds or have piercers that go through it slow.

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