Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How can you get rid of unwanted facial hair.and why do we get it more than others?

i want a good advice to this..mine so i hate talking to people..How can you get rid of unwanted facial hair.and why do we get it more than others?
waxing and shaving are the best ways to do it. i prefer waxing myself because it lasts longer just make sure you moisturize a lot! and how much facial hair you have depends on your genetics and you family background. like for example more italians and scottish familys have more hair than others. but don't worry about it it's not a big deal everyone has some.How can you get rid of unwanted facial hair.and why do we get it more than others?
Electrolisis is the best way to get rid of it.

You get it because it's in your genes.
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